Welcome to Campus Ministry! At John Paul II Catholic School, we are committed to the moral and spiritual development of our students. Faith in God and the values of trust, humility and compassion are interwoven in all aspects of education at JPII, and we challenge our students to live meaningful and intentional lives serving others and thus serving God. Through our Campus Ministry, faith is not merely talked about, but rather experienced on a daily basis by providing opportunities for encounter that lead to the deepening of our relationship with Jesus Christ. Our Campus Ministry Team—which includes our Acts29 Peer Ministers, FCA Leadership, and members of our faculty and staff—accompanies our students as they discover God’s presence and activity in all areas of life. Students have opportunities to receive the Sacraments, engage in communal and personal prayer, attend retreats specific to their grade-level, and engage in both individual and school-wide community service. Campus Ministry cultivates the faith life of our JPII community through transformative encounters with Jesus Christ, and we encourage our students as they develop their unique gifts in service to our school, our local community, and beyond, challenging them to be leaders who honor, respect, and nurture human dignity through authentic discipleship. The John Paul II Campus Ministry Team journeys with our students, faculty, and staff by offering daily, weekly, monthly, and annual events, activities, and celebrations. From daily prayer, weekly liturgies, FCA Huddles, and Days of Service to our Living Rosary, Stations of the Cross, grade-level retreats, and pilgrimage to Washington. D.C.. for the March for Life, the presence of the Holy Spirit is experienced in abundant and diverse ways throughout our JPII campus and community. We look forward to you sharing your blessings and gifts as a member of our John Paul II family! Nolite Timere!! |