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JPII Senior Johanna Hill Leads Donation Drive for Radiance Pregnancy Care Center

John Paul II Catholic School senior Johanna Hill is spearheading a much-needed diaper and wipes drive as part of her Senior Capstone Project. The drive will benefit the Radiance Pregnancy Care Center in Beaufort, a vital community resource that supports mothers and their babies. The collection will run throughout January, aligning with Sanctity of Life Month, and aims to gather diaper sizes from newborn to size 6, as well as wipes. Donation boxes will be available across campus, including in theology classrooms, with monetary donations also being a potential option. Supplies will be delivered to the Center on Friday, February 7, after school.

Johanna chose Radiance as the focus of her Capstone Project to highlight the Value and Dignity of Life. “Pregnancy centers play a huge part in this topic as they provide for mothers in need with the materials they require, so that both lives can live,” Johanna explained. “I decided to make Radiance the center of my capstone project as I focus the entirety of it on the Value and Dignity of Life.”

Radiance Pregnancy Care Center offers invaluable support to women facing unplanned pregnancies, providing material resources, educational programs, and emotional encouragement. Johanna emphasized, “The most important benefit that the Center provides is comfort. They tend to the mother's needs so that they can help care for the mother's life and protect the life of the baby.”

As part of her Capstone, Johanna has also been attending the Students for Life group hosted by Radiance. “This group allows young adults to come together and discuss major issues in our world today, especially that of abortion,” she shared. “This drive will be the major event to my service project for capstone.”

The Senior Capstone Project at JPII encourages students to integrate the SHIELD values they’ve embraced throughout their education with their passion for service. Each senior identifies a mission rooted in Catholic social justice teachings and translates it into a meaningful project that serves the greater community.