"Man's life comes from God; it is his gift, his image and imprint, a sharing in his breath of life."
— Saint John Paul II
Neither snow, nor ice, nor freezing temperatures could keep the students of John Paul II Catholic School and members of St. Gregory the Great Catholic Church from answering God’s call to defend the sanctity of life and learn the importance of prayer and community. Though an unexpected winter storm blanketed the Lowcountry, delaying their journey, the group remained steadfast in their mission, setting out a day later for Washington, D.C., with joyful hearts and unwavering faith.
“Once in the nation’s capital, our group joined thousands of faithful from across the country, standing as a witness to the dignity of every human life,” said Ms. Ava Hill, JPII theology teacher. “Marching through the streets in the crisp winter air, surrounded by a sea of believers, was a powerful testament to the strength of the pro-life movement and the hope that we carry in Christ.”
Their pilgrimage was not just a march—it was a deeply spiritual journey. At the Institute of the Incarnate Word (IVE) Youth Fest, students encountered Christ through daily Mass, Adoration, Confession, and inspiring talks that deepened their understanding of the Gospel of Life. “It was a blessing to spend time in fellowship with the joyful and radiant religious sisters, seminarians, and priests of the IVE order, whose dedication to Christ and His Church was both humbling and inspiring,” Ms. Hill expressed.
"Being around the joyous brothers and sisters of the IVE left a pivotal mark on these young men and women living out the gospel values," remarked JPII Campus Minister Joseph Rivera. "The highlight for many of the students was walking into the beautifully enormous 'Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception' in Washington, D.C."
Despite the chilly temperatures, the warmth of faith and community filled every moment of the trip. As snow and ice may have delayed their departure, they could not dampen the fire of the Holy Spirit burning within each pilgrim. This transformative experience strengthened their commitment to be bold witnesses for life, today and always.
Students Attending- Cullen Amagliani, Nicholai Atkinson, Joseline Barreda, Kam Braboy, Carlos Brito, Madison Burke, Brea Cherol, Izabella del Mazo, Meredith Dyer, Mariana Gomez, Yeneisy Gonzalez, Savannah Hardy, Sullivan Homer, Angelo Iskandar, Leo Iskandar, Ephrain Jimenez, Bryant Jolley, Clare Jolley, Karsyn Kamisnky, Hayes Keefer, Christopher Morales Ruiz, Daniel Nester, Daniel Nester, Aanya Patel, Siya Patel, Kristian Paulo Santos, Aiden Winslow, Jude Witkowski, Stefan Wojciechowski, Matthew Yanachik, and Jonathan Yanachik
Chaperones – Father Rafa, Ava Hill, and Joseph Rivera